RT @HaijunXia: What if #ChatGPT were 3D? Structure #GPT4’s responses in 3D with #Sensecape to better understand large amounts of text. New…
Replying to @utopiah
Replying to @gfodor
Rightfully so IMHO the concept itself is interesting, attempting to implementing also makes sense now but the claims , especially considering all costs into account, must be checked.
Replying to @AKindOfMika and @jonstephens85
To check if it really helps because one of the first step is downscaling so… until then, managed with the small Theta V at home!
Replying to @utopiah
Hey, my office from a single 360 video… taking shape!
Replying to @utopiah
Yeay… getting there, maybe…
Replying to @utopiah
Nope… need more data… seems 3 images in super low res isn’t enough 😅
Trying a raw video instead.
Replying to @VoidOfSpace, @anders_iversen, @nfinf5, @IGrowNeo and @nearcyan
To answer my own question : in that part of the pipeline it’s not that different as one can tell seeing that solutions from each technique rely on the same tools, e.g COLMAP used in both NeRFstudio and e.g
Replying to @utopiah
Pro (well not really) tip if you are running Ubuntu 22.10 rather than 22.04 you can force a 22.04 and it will work even though it says it’s unsupported.
I didn’t realize @nerfstudioteam was so convenient and safe (because I confess I’m worried with NVIDIA drivers) to setup thanks to @Docker ! Seems I’m tinkering with NeRFs on the weekend too😅
Next step, 360s as capture data
Isn’t LLMs “passing” exams mostly a proxy for how well documented they were rather than how “intelligent” the model is?
RT @HongyiJin258: Introducing WebLLM, an open-source chatbot that brings language models (LLMs) directly onto web browsers. We can now run…
Replying to @DShankar, @hmltn, @BigscreenVR and @UploadVR
Because I see few examples about movies, can it run @OnDeck without tracking?
Replying to @nerfstudioteam
before I reinvent the wheel there is already an API and a Web based viewer but is there already an HTTP endpoint to go from capture to NeRF or export?
Replying to @ChSimon__
Basically and I have a version that tries few times to try to get closer to the upper limit of 14.9Mb
RT @PrivacyMatters: The poverty of privacy. Supermarket loyalty cards.
For many families, these savings are crucial.…
Replying to @utopiah
Side effect being that it bypasses some gatekeepers… but use that as you should 🤷♂️
Replying to @utopiah
Based on but as iOS prevents browser customisation had to find another way.
First time I coded (and now shared) an entire project from bed 🛌 using just my phone📱 :
Because scrolling with my thumb is juuust too much effort.
PS: replace the URL parameter by whatever you want to read.
Replying to @KyleSGibson, @hackylawyER, @EthicsInAI and @FortuneMagazine
Hopefully but there’s a different of perception between BigTech, startups and the government. Some sound hip, productive and fast while others slow and constraining. They are narratives, not realities, yet shape habits.
Replying to @AKindOfMika and @jonstephens85
Neat, I have a Theta V at home and InstaPro 2 at work (11k 60fps). I’ll try both hopefully soon.
Replying to @utopiah
I’ll have to keep in mind, eventually make an API to receive a video then output an optimised glb and a WebXR experience showcasing it, ideally as a container for easier deployment.
Sadly it wasn’t a joke…
Replying to @nickcammarata
free software : being able to shape the technology that shapes our daily life, together.
It transforms us all to co-creators and learners rather than consumers in and of black boxes.
Replying to @gravicle, @jonstephens85, @LumaLabsAI and @UnrealEngine
As in recording with a gimbal?
Replying to @jonstephens85, @LumaLabsAI and @UnrealEngine
FWIW quite different result but done quickly with control of the whole workflow.
Replying to @00davehill00
Bit annoying though that there is no way to disable auto-join but that’s ok I imagine it’s a very rare use case.
Replying to @BecomingCritter
Replying to @jonstephens85
Never because the capture itself still needs to be done and 360 help there? If you capture using your phone you still need to turn around, up, down… cf
360 photos or videos as a medium though that’s different but the cameras themselves remain useful.
Replying to @00davehill00
Thanks for the prompt reply. So what I did was removing the WiFi connection with Internet to only keep the one without. Since then it’s been quite stable. I assume it’s related to something else e.g signal strength.
Works @onDeck too😅
No reason it wouldn’t but testing different setups for social VR offline, where VR is optional.
Why my ~/.bashrc file is one of the most precious file I own.
It’s not just “a file”, it’s practical self-improvement.
Replying to @utopiah
IMHO going from actions to documentation AND back to simplified or more efficient actions is always underappreciated, even while aware of it.
Consequently even if ~/.bashrc is a specific example it applies everywhere, shaping back YOUR environment from your process matters.
Replying to @utopiah
Interestingly enough the documentation itself is part of the workflow, which is why while doing this I added
twitterGif $(ls -1rt ~/Videos/screencaptures/*mp4|tail -1) scale=640:-2,
to my ~/.bashrc to facilitate showing how.
cc @ChSimon__
Replying to @utopiah
Link to the diff of my related wiki edits and example of the short script to make some of the steps a workflow.
Replying to @utopiah
For something a bit more pragmatic here is how I made my own @Raspberry_Pi image this week, initially having no idea how (I only used images until now) but now with a script that does it all, iterating much faster and thus able to be more creative!
The Process :
- spot a problem
- find a solution
- try it!
- document how, especially steps leading to new knowledge📓
- reproduce
- package📦 to reproduce faster
- try with a different solution📈 via new workflow
- optimize📉
We often fail instead looking for THE solution 1st.
Replying to @mmitchell_ai
More like human centipede … but that’s a bit more graphic.🤮
RT @hackernoon: Sadly, the current discourse fails to grasp the second-degree impact AI will have on sexuality. We’re not ready for AI sex—…
RT @emollick: We should have been called Homo habilis…
Two papers show our brains co-evolved with tool use. Tools extend our nervous sys…
Replying to @far__el and @emollick
Are we the rod in that scenario?
Replying to @mschoening
But what if you’re simultaneously scared and dream of grandiosity? Don’t all execs deserve their panopticons to insure their “vision” is being executed? /s
Replying to @babyreikiclass, @hubermanlab and @StanfordVR
Might be interested in
Replying to @random_walker
Probably even more so in that context, good to see the honest and personal take.
Replying to @random_walker
I’m curious, why is it surprising? It’s not supposed to have materials, i.e text, trained on dedicated to children, e.g story or pedagogical materials?
RT @random_walker: I expect that AI agents will be a big part of my children’s lives, and I wanted them to learn about chatbots sooner over…
Replying to @utopiah
“if all the entrepreneurs and employees of the big tech companies in Silicon Valley bring up their children in screen-free environments, they must surely see something bad in everything they’re creating.” yet efforts managed form a naive perspective IMHO
What if emptiness was even more precious than we thought?
Replying to @VoidOfSpace, @anders_iversen, @nfinf5, @IGrowNeo and @nearcyan
More convoluted